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Vintage, large and heavy worry beads set with round shape beads decorated with mosaic artwork.

التوفر: غير متوفربالمخزون



Vintage,hand crafted, brass based, large and heavy worry beads set with round shape beads decorated by hand work with Copper, Turquoise and Coral pieces. Ancient mosaic artwork technique of decoration. 33 heavy beads, matching head piece and separators.Symmetrical shape and antique finished sterling silver 925° end tassel parts. Stainless steel durable chain. A Collection set with very fine artistic details. Ideal for collection, display and gently use.

معلومات اضافية

كود HM157
الوزن 0,0 gr.
اللون متعدد الألوان
خرزة 33
Bead size +/- 15 mm.

مشاهدات اكثر

Vintage, large and heavy worry beads set with round shape beads decorated with mosaic artwork.