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Rough material appeal, Worry beads set, made of selected natural amber.

التوفر: متوفربالمخزون

سعر عادي: 165٫00

سعر خاص: 130٫00


Rough material appeal, Worry beads set, made of selected natural amber, with natural colors combination: Gray, Brown, Black, Beige.Οn the surface of the beads, parts of the rough amber skin are to be seen, with plenty of natural marks and spots, giving to the set, a unique natural character and feeling with a rough material appeal. A complete set with 33 natural amber beads in symmetrical oval cut, head piece and separators.Custom, hand made, traditional style silver tassel and parts. A handy size set with a rare natural color combination for very gently use and a perfect addition for a good display collection.

معلومات اضافية

كود MC85
الوزن 22,0 gr.
اللون متعدد الألوان
مادة كهرمان
خرزة 33
Bead size +/- 9 x 12 mm.

مشاهدات اكثر

Rough material appeal, Worry beads set, made of selected natural amber.