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Mini worry beads (begleri) made of Water Buffalo horn and sterling silver parts.

التوفر: غير متوفربالمخزون



Mini worry beads (begleri) made of Water Buffalo horn and sterling silver parts.Pocket size set with 8 main beads in fine symmetrical cut and various sizes. Antique finished sterling silver 925º parts and large polygon, silver beads are decorating this hand made begleri. A very strong string is used here to ensure flexibility and durability for daily use. An elegant, handy size set made of natural materials.

معلومات اضافية

كود BG104
مادة منطقة القرن
Beads 8
Bead size +/- 15 mm. / 19.5 x 20.5 mm.

مشاهدات اكثر

Mini worry beads (begleri) made of  Water Buffalo horn and sterling silver parts.